With State Of Play, I used a poster to represent the film itself. In the opening scene of State Of Play, a man gets shot after running from something or someone. The film is described as a political thriller, as is our film. Because the man gets shot, we assume its because hes done something wrong or knows something that he shouldnt in the political world. Using these scenes as inspiration with a slight twist to them. The man in these scenes is a politician, he is made to be looking like he is having an affair, and there is a man stakling him. The man following him then hits him and takes him hostage. My scenes are similar to that from state of play because they leave the audience in suspense after the man in question is seen running from something, then dragged away, but the audience not knowing who by or why .
The images from Se7en made us use a strange and unknown character, who is mysterious. We used images of a man in bandages writing and reading books, also using the ghosting effect that is used in the se7en opening scenes.
We copied some of the ideas from Se7en, such as looking through books and readin, because it seemes right and fit our character of Arnold. The audience are not meant to know who this character is, or see him, adding suspense.
The book used in the opening was one which had the word "rape" on the front of it, this was to represent something illegal, and showing the type of character he is expected to be.
Question 2.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Our media product shows two distinct classes or different types of people, politicians, who are seen as upper class, and the more lower class people, like the prostitute being portrayed in the film. We show the politician as wearing a suit, so we dont need to show it that much throughout the film. We shown the prostitute in a more negative way, by giving her lots of makeup and ripped clothes. We rely on the stereotypes of people to give the audience more information about the characters.
Question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Our media product is a thriller film, so the instituions most likely to disribute it are low budget British and European film companies. Here are some examples of companies that may distribute it:
http://www.thewildeye.co.uk/blog/?cat=3 - The Wild Eye is a website about British and European cinema from the past and present. Our film would belong in their catalouge because ours would be a low budget British thriller, and may be categorised under European/British cinema.
http://www.coffeefilms.com/filmog.html - Coffee Films is a website about low budget/ independent films. Our film would belong in their catalouge because ours could also be seen as an individual film, and their website is all about different types of films, and the techniques used etc.
.http://www.caravanfilm.co.uk/ - Carvan is a website for British independent films. Our film would belong in their catalouge because the budget would be considerably less than that of a major studios film, thus making the fiml independent.
Our media product is a thriller film, so the instituions most likely to disribute it are low budget British and European film companies. Here are some examples of companies that may distribute it:
http://www.thewildeye.co.uk/blog/?cat=3 - The Wild Eye is a website about British and European cinema from the past and present. Our film would belong in their catalouge because ours would be a low budget British thriller, and may be categorised under European/British cinema.
http://www.coffeefilms.com/filmog.html - Coffee Films is a website about low budget/ independent films. Our film would belong in their catalouge because ours could also be seen as an individual film, and their website is all about different types of films, and the techniques used etc.
.http://www.caravanfilm.co.uk/ - Carvan is a website for British independent films. Our film would belong in their catalouge because the budget would be considerably less than that of a major studios film, thus making the fiml independent.
Question 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience most likely to watch our media product would be people who have an interest in politics, so would be young adults.
Question 5. How did you attract/address your audience?
From our aduience research we found out things that would help us in planning our film. We found out that audiences prefered thrillers to be set in big cities, so we decided to film in Liverpool. We found out thaat people would prefer to see a thriller set in the day, because it would be different to a typical thriller. Our research told us that they would prefer to see a man as the killer in a thriller, because this would scare and intimidate an audience. We found that audiences would be intreaged if the film had an interesting name. The name most people chose as their favourite was 'Indigestible', so this is what we called our film.
From our aduience research we found out things that would help us in planning our film. We found out that audiences prefered thrillers to be set in big cities, so we decided to film in Liverpool. We found out thaat people would prefer to see a thriller set in the day, because it would be different to a typical thriller. Our research told us that they would prefer to see a man as the killer in a thriller, because this would scare and intimidate an audience. We found that audiences would be intreaged if the film had an interesting name. The name most people chose as their favourite was 'Indigestible', so this is what we called our film.
Question 6
We used a ghosting effect in our film to add an eery and edgy feeling to it. We used it in the bits where the unseen character of Arthur was, so it added more suspense to the product and for the audience. The effect adds the style of the film Se7en to the product because the images are not as clear as usual.
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